Tag Archives: Goddess

Goddess of the week for December 3, 2012


Goddess Blodeuwedd a Celtic Goddess is coming forward for the Week of December 3, 2012

When Blodeuwedd appears she is asking you a deep and profound question of your sub-conscious and inner knowing. Who Are You? She is a Goddess of beginnings and endings. The ending of false masks hiding who you truly are inside. She is calling for the deep knowing that you are refusing to acknowledge to come forward. You are not a mother, a wife, a sister or a daughter. You are a creator of immense greatness and encompass everything. 

When I perceive Blodeuwedd I think of the racoon and the beautiful mask that she wears. The difference with the mask that racoon wears is that she knows who she truly is. She chooses to wear the mask as camouflage to hide her creations during their incubation until they are ready to be birthed into the world. She does not use her mask to hide who she is so that she is hiding her true self from the world. 

Blodeuwedd was not born of a man and woman but was created out of the magical gifts of Gwideon and Math to be given in marriage to Llew Llaw. She was made from 9 flowers reflecting her interconnection with nature and the planet. Llew Llaw was not allowed to marry a mortal woman by his mother Arianhrodd. Blodeuwedd fell in love with another man and refused to be forced to stay with a man she did not love. So she plotted with her lover to kill Llew Llaw. This aspect of Blodeuwedd shows us that even though she was created for a specific purpose by another she had the free will and strength to create a different reality. 

When Gwideon came to kill her she was transformed into an owl. Blodeuwedd is the Virgin Huntress and the bride of Beltane and the month of May. We have just had an Eclipse on the 28 of November which is all about extreme focus and allowing endings to create new beginnings. 

Blodeuwedd is about creating out of magic and taking control of our lives and destiny. Where are you allowing others to choose for you? Where are you not acknowledging the stirrings in your belly calling you to a new path? What new creations are you ready to birth? What fire is within you that you are stifling and refusing to birth into form? Imagine a baby in your belly that is ready to come forth. What would happen if you refused to birth your creation? Your creation your unborn baby would die and your life would be in peril. Are you willing to die in a false mask and not birth your dreams into reality?

Blodeuwedd is calling. Who Are You? Are you willing to answer the call from within you and drop the masks hiding your true essence?

A new beginning is ready to be birthed, time to release the old and set yourself free.

During this week pay attention to your dreams. Ask yourself what seeds have you planted that are lying dormant waiting to be nurtured and cared for by you until they burst into the sun. Be vulnerable and allow your true face and radiance to show forth. Harness the Goddess Blodeuwedd within you and have the courage to say no to that which no longer serves you. A new creation is upon you from within you, embrace your brilliance. Goddess Blodeuwedd will be with you in the flowers tending your garden of dreams.


Carol Watson

Goddess GAIA and the Celebration of Mother’s Day



Goddess GAIA also known as GAEA The Earth was the first of the original Greek Gods. She was the daughter of Chaos and the mother of Uranus. She helped cause the overthrow of Uranus by the Titans and was worshipped as the Primal Goddess – Mother of All. 


I wanted to share my love for the Goddess by choosing a Goddess that to me expresses what motherhood is and means. So many of the Goddesses were calling to me but each was an aspect of motherhood and did not seem to fully embrace motherhood and our mothers in the same capacity as Goddess Gaia. To me Gaia is Mother Nature the keeper and carer of all things. She rules over all of creation and keeps everything in Balance and Harmony. She was the mother of Uranus (Of the Sky/Heavens) and Pontus of the (Sea/Emotions).


As daughter of Chaos she helped to mold and bring the world out of chaos with her creative force in Nature. She nurtured and created all of the Goddesses and Gods in Olympus.She has many faces throughout the various cultures. She was Isis who lost her lover Osiris, through his death and eventual resurrection personified the gift mother earth has blessed us all with. The ability to heal, recreate and regenerate anew. This story would be told again through the death and resurrection of Christ and the role of Mary Magdalene. 


When we worship the various faces of the Goddess we are connecting with the Ultimate Mother Goddess in Gaia. She is a fertility Goddess that encompasses all aspects of women and the feminine energy that all genders encompass to some degree. She has been worshipped as Demeter in Greece, Isis in Egypt, Ishtar in Babylon to name a few. Her Roman pantheon was Terra.


She is the primordial goddess who is the mother of the Titans, the Giants and all of the sea deities. She is the foundation of the Gods of Olympus. The birth of her son Uranus covered the earth with the Stars and Heavens. The Birth of her child Pontus created the deep waters of her pain and the hills that covered her with lush greenery were her child Ourea. She is the wisdom in intuition that flows to the Oracle at Delphi. The knowingness that all mothers understand once we have given birth to our children.


She is believed to be the spiritual embodiment of the Earth and the creator of all of humanity. Gaia is manifest in the woman when our children are encased in our bodies in the waters of life preparing for birth. She is the life force that allows us to thrive and blossom. She is the Great Mother of All.


What are you creating in your life? What fire is burning within to be birthed into the world? Out of the waters of our soul we are being called to create our lives anew. What is beneath the still waters yet to be fathomed? Goddess Gaia is calling to you. Will you answer her call?


I would love your comments and thoughts. Happy Mothers Day!



Carol Watson

Goddess for the Week of May 7, 2012

ImageGoddess Bast is the goddess coming forward for the week of May 7, 2012

When Bast steps forward it is always to remind us to be true to ourselves and be the independent free spirit. Where are you depending on someone else to fill your needs? Where are you not asking for what you want and need? Are your needs being supported in your relationships? Are you protecting and watching over your most precious possessions? It is time to ask these questions of your life.


Goddess Bast is a Cat Goddess and turns into a cat at night to watch over and protect her family. Cats are intuitive and have the ability to see the unseen. Cats enjoy their body and their sensuality. We are meant to be independent and powerful in our lives. To rely on our natural intuition and knowing to guide our decisions. Asking the opinions of others is meant to offer alternative options to assist you in making an informed decision, not turning your power over to another. Choose what you desire in your life and take action steps to manifest your desires. Take some quiet time to centre yourself and get clear about where you are heading. Balance the various areas of your life with work, play and solitude. When our lives become unbalanced we have difficulty focusing and making meaningful decisions that support our goals and desires. When this happens we turn to others to make decisions for us to reduce the stress we are under. Unfortunately the decisions they make or recommend are not always in our best interests and water down the manifestions we have been working on.


During this week, take responsibility for your life. Create balance in your work life, home life, interpersonal relationships and your spiritual life. Take time to meditate and tap into your intuition. Celebrate your body and move to music of your soul. See the unseen in your life. Call on Goddess Bast to support you in your new life plan. Savour the sense of balance that is flowing into your life.



Carol Watson