
Unleash Your Magnificence Radio with Goddess Arianmor

Listen to internet radio with Goddess Arianmor on Blog Talk Radio

Coping With Stress In The Workplace

In our day-to-day lives we become overwhelmed at times and suffer the side effects of Stress. I have created a few tips to help you reduce stress in your day-to-day life. We don’t realize the level of stress our bodies are under most of the time. We are so used to living a fast paced life that when we feel we are relaxed we are actually still in a state of stress. For most of us we have been in a stressful environment for most of our lives, that we can no longer identify a true state of relaxation. My desire with this newsletter is to bring to you to this awareness and help you to find ways to lower the stress level in your lives step by step.

The first and most important step in this process is the awareness that our bodies are under an extreme level of stress from numerous sources. We are stressed by our environment, toxins, and emotional, mental and physical sources. We feel pressure to excel in work, sports, family life and obligations both chosen and those placed upon us by outside sources. This is life in the real world; it is difficult to step away from these stresses. So we need to learn ways to handle and reduce the stresses in our lives gently and without putting additional pressure on ourselves. There is no right or wrong way to achieve this, only a willingness to be aware of what you are feeling in any moment and a desire to do something about it. Here are three tips to try to implement into your life on a daily basis. Practice these whether you feel stressed or not. You will notice a difference in your day-to-day activities, plus you have just helped your body to de-stress (di-stress).

Every 60 minutes (or more frequently if you are really stressed or under pressure) stop what you are doing and place your hands on your knees. Take a deep breath in through your nose for the count of 5, hold it for a count of 5, release through your mouth for a count of 5, and then hold for a count of 5 before your next in breath. Repeat these breaths for a total of 5 rounds. If you find a count of 5 too long a period to start, use a count of 3 and work up to 5. You will notice that to perform this simple conscious act of breathing requires your full attention. Your body has a short break to help de-stress and relax. This takes me to my next tip:

Most of us are extremely effective at multi-tasking. We may be able to multi-task and we appear to be accomplishing our work, but the quality of the work we put forth is not 100%. When you are totally focused on one particular task the work actually is performed more effectively with less chance of errors or omissions. When we try to accomplish two or more tasks at the same time we are splitting our focus and attention. Neither task is completed effectively or as efficiently as possible. It also puts our body under additional stress when we try to do too much at one time. Create a list of what needs to be accomplished. Prioritize the list of tasks to be done. Start at the most important task and work your way down doing one task exclusively at a time. If you suddenly think of something else that needs to be done, add it to your list and return to the task at hand. When you place your full consciousness on the task at hand you help your body to de-stress and relax. My final tip for this issue.

We all have breaks at work during the day. When we are under stress we tend to shorten our breaks or we meet with our co-workers and talk about work or the task at hand. The reason we have these rest periods is to rest and relax, to remove our focus from the work at hand and take a time out. Starting now, when it is your break time – TAKE IT! Leave your work at your desk and take a walk outside if possible. This would be your best possible option, but it is not always feasible. Meet someone at the water cooler and have a short chat. But don’t talk about work, don’t think about work. Make it a conscious act to give your mind and your body a break from work. You will be amazed in the beginning how difficult it is to be with your co-workers and not talk about work. You don’t need to talk about your personal life, but you can talk about positive and pleasant topics. A beautiful sunrise or sunset you saw or a wonderful beach or place you heard about. It will take effort initially to get into the habit. Tell your co-workers that you would prefer not to talk about work on your breaks. You will help them to de-stress and they will also have the opportunity to find alternative topics of conversation for you to share. When you return to your work you will be refreshed and ready to continue on your next task.

Practice these short tips everyday even when you are at home. You will find your mood will lift and you will be more relaxed. Next month I will give you a few more tips to help you de-stress and relax. May you have a more relaxing and enjoyable month.

Yours in health and well-being,

I would love your feedback on the tips above. If you have any additional tips you would like to share, feel free to email me at or visit my website

© 2011 Carol Watson   All Right Reserved.

Invoking Deity In Healing – Calling in the Goddess






Skype: Goddess.Arianmor

LOCATION:     On Line (3) One Hour Teleseminar Calls

DATES:                JUNE 11, JUNE 18 AND JUNE 25, 2011

TIME (EST):     4:00 PM EST TO 5:00 PM EST

COST:                    $80.00 for THE PROGRAM OF 3 ONE HOUR TELESEMINARS




Invoking the Goddess and God into all areas of your life for healing and greater self-awareness. This workshop is a continuation of my own personal healing journey and the various roads I have travelled. Initiated through the Egyptian Mystery School in Ontario and through my travels, culminating in a return to a new level within the Mysteries with Sonia Haynes. My teaching and intuitive healing work continues today in the United Kingdom, Sedona and Canada.

This workshop is the opportunity to delve into bringing deity into all aspects of your life through meditation and visualization, and to give a basic understanding of the process. All journeys on this road are individual and solitary, but a light will always shine to guide your way.



© 2011 Carol Watson   All Right Reserved.

What Else Is Possible?

Hi Everyone,

Wow, it has been a life changing year so far. The show is growing by leaps and bounds with new amazing guests being added weekly. I have had the privilege to be a guest twice on Sonia Haynes show this month. On June 1, 2011 I was a guest on the show and we talked about the Dark Moon and Ritual. Then on June 2, 2011 we did a show together on Invoking the Goddess. Not to mention I have had the privilege to be a guest on the panel for Rikka Zimmerman’s show on World Puja Network the following dates June 1, 8, 15 and 22, 2011. Now most of you know that Rikka Zimmerman was a guest on my show back at the end of April this year talking about Access Consciousness. for those of you who have never heard of Access Consciousness this would be your opportunity to gain a better understanding.

To continue the learning experience about Access Consciousness I am thrilled to announce that Gary Douglas the Founder of Access Consciousness and Dr. Dain Heer will be a guest on my show this Saturday June 11, 2011 at 3pm PST/6pm EST/11pm PST. This will be a 2 hour call with the opportunity of calling in and having your questions answered by the BEST of the BEST! The to listen to the show just click the link Goddess Arianmor with Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer.

Now, on a personal note Jessi Jordan has taken on the momentous task of getting all the bits and pieces that I have created. She is putting it all together and making it a fabulous and professional new look for all tied in with social media so you can keep up to date  with everything. So, I am almost ready to launch my new website, new facebook page and all the amazing extras that are coming. So keep your eyes open for all of the wonderful changes and join me on my journey.

Have a fabulous week and I look forward to connecting again soon.

Namaste Carol Watson (Goddess Arianmor)

© 2011 Carol Watson   All Right Reserved.

Carol Watson – Unleash Your Magnificence

Who is Driving Your Life?

Is your life being driven by the Fear of Success?

Are you being driven by the Fear of Failure?

Can you answer these questions?

It is time to make a commitment to yourself


You are the star of your life and this is the time to live it!

Together we will explore the possibilities and create the magnificent 

life that you are born and destined to live.

This is why you are here!

What do you want to walk away with from this journey?

© 2011 Carol Watson   All Right Reserved.