Category Archives: The Goddess

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The Goddess Supporting Us During This Upcoming Supermoon on May 5/6, 2012

The Goddess that has come forward to provide support, guidance and insight during the Super-moon is the Goddess Kali.

This super-moon is all about endings to allow new beginnings. What do you want to release to allow the space for the new to flourish in your life? Kali is known as a destruction Goddess which allows for re-birth. Think of a forest fire that destroys all the trees in the forest but awakens all the seeds that have been dormant for ages. What seeds have you planted that have been dormant waiting for you to release the old to allow the space for them to grow, blossom and flourish? This moon is located in the sign of Scorpio which tends to rule our darker aspects and the emotional realm. What old emotions are you holding onto that are blocking or stopping you from moving forward in your life? What are you willing to release?

When Kali steps into our lives she assists us in shaking up the old dead wood in our life. She points out the old viewpoint, attitudes, judgements and decisions that no longer serve our higher purpose and desires. Kali is a warrior Goddess calling the warrior within you to come to the fore and be ruthless in finally letting go and releasing. You have a warrior spirit within you that is calling you to step forward and leave the old baggage and garbage behind. To forgive yourself and anyone else that you have been unwilling to forgive. In letting it all go and offering them the gift of forgiveness you bless yourself with a fresh start on your path. It is time for you to be fearless and embrace your desires and start moving forward with grace. Will you choose this for yourself? Will you allow the death and release of those parts of your life that are no longer working and allow and receive the rebirth that is your birthright? Ask Kali to assist you and support you, she will be there for you. Are you willing to receive her gift and embrace the new in your life! The Universe is ever expanding and growing, step onto the leading edge and allow it to carry you into your new future.

Let go and be the infinite spiritual being that you are here to be. Be your greatness.


Carol Watson